Year 2 Learning Overview

Please click here for information about learning in year 2 - Information meeting September 2023

In Year 2 the children are taught a variety of subjects many of which are delivered through termly topics. 

In Year 2 our topics include:


During this topic the children will be:

  • Building a rocket using different media and tools
  • Writing letters to a homesick alien
  • Using instructions to make food we hope the alien will like
  • Finding out about stars and planets


The Rainforest       

During this topic the children will be:

  • Finding out where Rainforests are situated in the World using maps and atlases
  • Comparing different habitats looking at local and Rainforest creatures
  • Learning about the environmental impact on rainforests and considering what people can do to preserve them
  • Writing letters to persuade others to take care of the environment
  • Even visiting a Rainforest!