SATs (Standard Assessment Tests)

This is the Government's formal testing for all children in Year 2.  This testing is commonly known as ‘SAT’s.  (Standard Assessment Tests)

These assessments take place in the May of Year 2 (age 7) and are informal, so they aren’t timed and they take place in a normal classroom situation. In our school we ensure that SATs are a non-stressful process and often children are unable to distinguish them from the normal activities they do.

At the end of Key Stage 1 teachers will make a judgement on how each child is performing against national standards. The SATS alongside classwork will be used by teachers to make their judgement. Parent's will be told whether their child is working at the expected standard (below the expected standard or above the expected standard) as part of their end of year report. Parents already been given an indication of how their child is performing against these standards during Parents Evening.

The results that are gathered are submitted to the DFE and the Government to measure children's attainment and progress in Maths and Reading across groups of schools. 


  • SATs are done in May (no set time/day) 

  • They are not timed and form part of our normal lessons 

  • We call them challenges and do 'challenges' throughout the year so they are nothing new or daunting for the children, sometimes the children do not even realise they have done them 

  • SATs are taken with familiar adults, in a familiar setting 

  • We use the score on the test, alongside our teacher assessment of all the work in Year 2 to provide parents with an end of year judgement, these are in line with what we shared at parents evening


There is a helpful PowerPoint that explains more about what the SATs consist of.  It can be accessed below:

Year 2 SATs Information