School Travel Plan - Modeshift STARS Good Travel Plan 2024

At St Joseph’s, we are always keen to promote healthier, more environmentally friendly journeys to and from our school.  This also helps to reduce parking congestion outside our school.

We are delighted that in January 2024 St Joseph's school achieved the Good Travel Plan award from Modeshift STARS* for all our continued work on the school travel plan.

Well done everyone - we have achieved this travel award by working together and your support of our school travel plan. 

Let's keep up the great work to reduce parking congestion and pollution from cars, and continue to choose to travel actively when we can. 

Thank you to all parent, carers, staff and pupils who have supported us in our campaign to help keep children active and safe on the journey to and from school.                                      

Keep fit on the school run!

Why not walk, cycle, scoot or park and walk to school?



5 and 10 Minute Walking Zone

Our 'Travel to St Joseph's Walking Zone' map shows the 5 & 10 minute walking zones from our school.  This encourages families to walk for at least part of their journey to and from school.

Why not park your car further away from school and walk the last part of the journey?

Please click here to view our St Joseph's Walking Map

These maps have been produced with the help of Buckinghamshire Council, and funded by Public Health and the Greater Aylesbury Local Area Forum. They increase opportunities for healthy exercise, help to reduce traffic and congestion around the school and promote walking to school to all our families. 

Our Walking Zone display map at the front of the school also shows the 5-10 Minute walking zone from our school.

'Give it a try!'

What are the benefits of sustainable travel options? 

  • Fewer cars and to reduce congestion on the roads near the school
  • Improves fitness and health
  • Safer walking (including ‘Park and Stride’) and cycling routes around the school
  • Less pollution near the school
  • Greater awareness of road safety
  • Decreases dependence on the car
  • Improves wider community links with local residents and Police Community Support Officers
  • It’s fun to travel to school by cycling, walking or scooting!

How do we support this?

 At St Joseph’s we are supporting a number of travel initiatives. These include: 

  • Walk to School week
  • Road Safety week
  • 5 and 10 Minute Walking Zone maps
  • Walk once a Week (WoW) scheme
  • Available bike/scooter storage
  • Be Bright Be Seen! theme day
  • School assemblies

Thank you for your support of our School Travel Plan.


* Information Regarding Modeshift STARS:

As a school we are part of the Modeshift STARS (School Travel Accredited and Recognised for Schools) national schools awards scheme established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.