
The church season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and it lasts for 40 days.

If you go to church on Ash Wednesday you will receive ash on your forehead as a sign of being sorry and that you will try to live the way Jesus showed us.

We have asked the children to think about Lent by making promises, which they will try to keep during the 40 days of lent.

A Promises book for each class will be kept in school. (You can email in your child’s promise for the Lent book).


Why do we make promises?

In the Bible Jesus wanted to get closer to God the Father by praying and listening for 40 days and nights. Then He began telling people about God and how much God loves people. He healed the sick and performed many miracles. He told stories to help people understand what being a Christian is.


Read:  Luke 12 The Good Samaritan


Talk about:

Who in the story tried to be like Jesus?

What does Jesus want us to be like?

In our Promises books we have each thought of a way to help us be more like Jesus in what we might do or say. God tells us to love one another

At Easter Jesus died on the cross so that we could be forgiven for all the things we have done wrong, all the things we have said that hurt others and the thoughts which hurt God.

While we have made our promises, it is sometimes hard to keep a promise. We can say sorry when we forget and do our best to keep our promises.


Think:  Will you try to be like Jesus and keep your Lenten promise?


Let us pray.  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:  

Thank you Jesus that you have shown us how to love God and love everyone we know.  Please help us to keep our promise so we can try to be more like you each day.   Amen